On our first class in the laboratory of Biology And Geology, we did an experiment about osmosis, which is a type of diffusion. Diffusion is the process that requieres energy in which small molecules go in and out of the cell to find equilibrium and osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules in and out of the cell (surrounded by a membrane that only allows water through).

When talking about osmosis, we use the following terms to describe the surrounding liquid of the cell:
-hypertonic: more concentration in the outside
-hypotonic: less concentration in the outside
-isotonic: the same concentration in the outside and in the inside

The experiment consisted of getting three gummy bears. The transparent one was put in water, the yellow one in honey and the red one in water with a lot of salt.

hypothesis: the red one is going to lose its color, the transparent one is going to dissolve and the yellow one is going to harden.

results: the red one lost its water and got smaller, it had more concentration in the inside (hypotonic); the transparent one got bigger, it had more concentration in the outside (hypertonic); the yellow one stayed the same, it had the same concentration in the inside and in the outside (isotonic).

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